I am clay, clay and water. I am the material and the hand that shapes
I am the stone, I am the marble. I am also the point, the gouge, the gouge and the hammer.
Beyond my flesh and bones, like an architect I work the canvas, my blood beats between the fibers, floods my entire work.
I trace, cut, build, weave, hem.
I invent, I shape until the vertigo of my second skin.
Always further, I push the limits.
To create is to lay bare my suffering and my quest for the unattainable perfection.
I entered sewing as one enters religion, today I devote myself body and soul to artistic creation.

From 2024 to 2026: Preparation of the Sartorial Art exhibitions
2024: Development of a new feature film. Currently in writing.
Shooting planned in Germany in 2026
2021 - 2023: Feature film Die Höhenluft - für Alle und Keinen (Pure Air of the Mountain: For All and None). Producer, director, author of an original work, art director, production designer, scenography, set designer, costume designer
Internationale Hofer Filmtage - theatrical release on 16th of november 2023 (Germany)
theatrical release on 9th of october 2024 (France)
2018: Short film Elevated Perspective - Haute Mesure for the Intercontinental Hotel Los Angeles Downtown
Nominated for best vertical short film - Linea d'Ombra Film Festival, Italy
2017: Documentary L'architecte textile (Art Sartorial)
Released in theaters during Fashion Week Paris September 2017
Released in Germany during the Berlin Fashion Week February 2018
Nominated for Best Film in the Art, Architecture, Design section:
Newport Beach Film Festival 2018
On Art Film Festival Poland 2018 - Best ART Film
Sonoma International Film Festival Nomination Jury Award Fashion Film
Florence Biennale Nomination Fashion Film d'Art 2019
Best First Documentary Film on Art - Best Director - ARTE Non Stop Film Festival 2020
2017 - 2022: Professor at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs
2015: Short film Männin
2014: Short film Victory's Short
2013: Short film Die Tapferen Haende im Chaos der Zeit (Valiant Hands in the Chaos of Time)
All films have been screened at multiple festivals and released in theaters.
Mika'Ela Fisher is a multidisciplinary artist
Film director, producer, visual artist, master tailor, model, actress, art director, production designer, scenographer, author. This passionate perfectionist devotes herself with the same rigor to all these disciplines in order to transcend them and create a unique and coherent work.
From an early age she learned tailoring and at the end of her studies she received the Bavarian Prize for Craftsmanship. She graduated as a master tailor at Max Dietl, Grand Couture of Sartorial Art and studied at the Master Academy of Art and Artisanat in Munich. Presenting her creations at the World Congress of Master Tailors in Paris (Congrès Mondiale des Maîtres Tailleurs), she was nominated for France.
She posed as a model for French painters Boussignac and Hubert de Lartigue; and was a longtime muse for fashion designers such as Martin Margiela.
She gained recognition as an actor for her role in the movie "Ne le dis à personne". Fisher's portrayal of Zak, a ruthless killer in Guillaume Canet's Tell No One, was critically acclaimed, especially in the U.S. media.
In 2013 she started film directing by the biographical short film « Die Tapferen Haende im Chaos der Zeit (Valiant Hands in the Chaos of Time.